Perhaps you’re an empty nester, or your family needs have changed, or you want to save money… whatever the reason, you need to move into a smaller place and this can be tricky waters to navigate for many people.
Perhaps you’re an empty nester, or your family needs have changed, or you want to save money… whatever the reason, you need to move into a smaller place and this can be tricky waters to navigate for many people.
Renting your first apartment can be an exciting time! But it’s not a decision to go into lightly, especially since you’ll likely be committing to at least a one-year lease.
Landlords and rental companies look for consistency in rent payments and to see if any money is owed to a prior landlord or apartment manager. However, if you’ve had bankruptcies, evictions, foreclosures, or unpaid loans or credit cards, this may be a red flag to them as well.
As if packing up your entire apartment isn’t hard enough, you also have to leave your apartment empty and unharmed. And chances are you’re running on limited time to get it all done. But if you want to get a portion of your security deposit back, and you do, giving your apartment an extra scrub is a must.
No matter what the circumstances, moving from a house to an apartment can be overwhelming. Here are our tips on moving from a house to an apartment.
This list of UCI off-campus housing provides spacious apartments and includes amenities tailored to the college student, with study and business centers that are open late during finals.
America has always been a country on the move. Literally. From the country’s founding on, America’s population has been in constant flux as people search for new opportunities and improved ways of life. So we put together an infographic to share 9 Surprising Facts about Moving in America today.
Orange County’s great weather, access to some of the state’s best entertainment options, and close proximity to the ocean paints a picture of a life of luxury.
If you’re contemplating moving to a new apartment any time soon, here are 20 tips you can use to make the move easier.